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Boraston Parish Environment Initiative:


We are introducing a new venture to be launched on 1st August 2021; the Boraston Parish Environment Initiative (BPEI), which is being set up following discussion at the May meeting of Boraston Parish Meeting.

The environment, and our effect upon it, is of vital concern to both our immediate future and to that of subsequent generations. There is widespread discussion across the global community as to what we can do to mitigate the effects of modern life on climate change, biodiversity, and the loss of natural habitats across the planet.

While this is a problem on a global scale, we feel that action at a local level is essential if changes are to be effective. Consequently, the BPEI seeks to promote, encourage and enable local projects that aim to improve the environment within the Parish of Boraston.

There are many ways by which we can alter our environment for the better. These include:


  1. Increasing the amount of carbon dioxide trapped within the green fabric of the parish (e.g. planting trees, managing grassland, planting woodland, managing and planting hedgerows, gardening etc. All of these increase the amount of CO2 reabsorbed and removed from the atmosphere, and contribute to a reduction in global warming.)

  2. Reversing the decrease in biodiversity in the environment by promoting wildlife survival (e.g. gardening with wildlife in mind, increasing wildflower meadows, developing ponds and water environments, wildlife corridors, insect hotels to attract insects, etc. All of these promote an increase in biodiversity, attract more birds and small animals and improve the genetic pool of the environment.)

  3. Improving the physical environment (e.g. reducing traffic, traffic calming measures, increasing recycling of waste, litter picking, etc. These measures improve our environment, make it safer to move around, and generally improve the appearance of the parish.)


When looking at ways that we can help the environment no project is too small or too large


 Projects could range from planting a single tree in your garden to woodland on your land; from a small pond in the garden to a wetland area; from a bird box to a wildflower meadow. The important thing is that we do something: doing nothing is not a good alternative.

In many cases, there are national schemes that we can tap into, such as ‘Plant a tree for the Jubilee’ and the Countryfile 'Plant Britain’ scheme. Also, there are several sources of funding, such as the Woodland Trust and Local Council schemes for tree planting. Local schools may well be interested in collaborating on projects as part of their science and environmental programmes.

We would ask you and your family to think about the current state of the environment and to reflect on ways in which you could help to improve things, not only for yourselves but also for your children and grandchildren.

Here are a few questions that you may wish to consider:


  1. Is the Parish of Boraston ‘carbon positive’ or ‘carbon negative?’ In other words, do we release more CO2 into the environment from our daily lives than the surrounding countryside can reabsorb?

  2. Do you know how many orchards and hedgerows have been lost from the parish since 1900?

  3. Is the number of swallows and swifts returning each year from migration increasing or decreasing?

  4. Do you know that Tesco now recycles soft plastic?

  5. Are you prepared to do your bit to help the environment?


If you feel that you wish to help in trying to improve our environmental situation, please contact BPEI by email ( or telephone (01584 811474); or visit our website at


All updates will be published on the website's blog.

We would like to be able to map the existing state of the Parish and show any developments on the Boraston Parish website, where we will be putting up plans for insect hotels, bat boxes, hedgehog houses etc., together with suggestions for environmental projects for you to consider.

We may be able to help with sources of advice or funding for your project.

BPEI is not a club, we are not asking you to join anything, it is a movement to try to improve our environment and reverse the downward pathway that we are on.

Thank you for reading this.


Nick Bews, James Meynell, Rae Morgan & Boraston Parish Meeting



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