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Footpath Diversion in Boraston

Boraston Parish Meeting

Please can you have a look at the below and forward any comments to us, before the 5th of October 2023.

Shropshire Council have received an application to divert Footpath 4/1 in Boraston Parish, Please see the map below for details.

The footpath currently runs from the road adjacent to The Fern (Grid Reference SO 6136 7235) in a southerly direction across two fields towards Padgebrook. It then runs through the grounds of Padgebrook Cottage turning east to run across Corn Brook before it meets Footpath 5/1 and Footpath 4/2.

The application is to divert the length of Footpath 4/1 to run from its current start point near The Fern (Point A attached map) to head south, where it will pass around the western side of a small pond before following the field edge in a southerly direction.

The diverted route will then turn easterly and south-easterly following a second field edge towards the Shear Cross to the Barns Road at Point B on the attached map (Grid Ref: SO 6178 7183).

Currently, the footpath runs directly across two fields before running through the grounds of Padgebrook Cottage. Here the legal line continues through a garden pond before turning to the east to cross a brook/footbridge and meet Footpaths 4/2 and 5/1 (A-C on the attached map) on the eastern bank of the brook.

The proposed diversion (A-B on the below map) will move the footpath away from the centre of the fields and the grounds of Padgebrook Cottage by utilising the field edges and a number of gates and stiles already present on the route.

The diversion will also move the footpath away from the pond in the grounds of Padgebrook which is currently obstructing the legal line of the route.

The proposed new outlet at Point B on the attached plan will bring users onto the unclassified road from Shear Cross to the Barns through a pedestrian gate. From this point, users can use the road bridge to cross Corn Brook before linking up with Footpath 6/6 approximately 10 metres to the southeast.

Footpath 6/6 leads onto Footpath 5/1 and onwards to the current endpoint of Footpath 4/1 on the east bank of Corn Brook.

Around 950 metres of footpath will be extinguished as part of the application (A-C on the attached map) with approximately 850 metres of footpath being created (A-B) that will have a width of 2 metres throughout.

Any comments to us at



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