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Pot Holes - National Pot hole day

Boraston Parish Meeting

Earlier this week was National Pot hole day and whilst it may not be in your diary it does seem to be timely as the roads that run through Boraston are gradually getting worse despite some repairs over the year.

It is impossible for the Clerk and I to report each and every pot hole in the Parish so we are asking you if you could please make an effort over the coming week or two to report any pot holes near your home please so we can highlight to Shropshire Council the poor state of our roads.

The best way to report any issues with pot holes is via the link below and to ensure the map shows as close as possible to where the issue is and it really helps if you can take some pictures of the hole.

If your car has been damaged by a pot hole here is some information which may help, it also has some additional information about reporting pot holes.


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