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White Gates are getting closer...

Boraston Parish Meeting

The White Village Gates are getting closer. Shropshire Council have now decided that we need to pay £440 for a Schedule 50 but apparently this is often waived for Road Safety projects so I’m working on them.

I was hoping to have heard by now and be able to give you the installation date.

Rae and Lesley have finished the worst bit of clearing the road ends, they filled 7 dumpy bags to the tip and 2 full to the brim green wheelie bins. (see the excellent work in the picture below)

They will soon start on the other side, which is not nearly so bad, as soon as it stops raining and hailing.

I am sure they would be more than happy to get some help, so if you can spare an hour or two please let us know.

I am sure you will all join me in Thanking Rae & Lesley for all their hard work so far in preparing the top part of the village for the White Gates but also for making it look tidier.



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