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White Gates - Speed Calming

Boraston Parish Meeting

Our Gates have arrived and we are now waiting for the installer to get back to us about when he can install them.

He has to get a Schedule 15 (it’s something to do with working on the highway) from Shropshire Council before he can install them. However we’re hopeful that it won’t be too long.

As restrictions lift and we can meet more people outside we really need to get the areas tidy and ready for the installation.

Please can everyone who thought the White Gates a good idea join in and help.

Rae and Lesley have started clearing the brambles at our end of the village road in preparation for the gates. They have taken four dumpy bags, full, to the tip and filled two green wheelie bins and there is still more to do.

The other end, by Greenacres hasn’t been touched yet.



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